The Virginia Constitutional Conservatives seeks legislative champions to Restore Virginia Now. And we are not simply talking about “Republicans.” We want candidates dedicated to repealing every single piece of unconstitutional legislation passed in the 2020 and 2021 state legislative sessions. They must also be willing to lead the drive to pass constitutional carry, to end civil asset forfeiture, and to work day and night to reduce the size and scope of Virginia government.
Big government is the natural enemy of liberty, and as such government must be heavily restricted. This was how the Founding Fathers built our Republic, and this is exactly how we must restore it
Politics as usual will not Restore Virginia Now. We need real champions to fight and win in Richmond. You could lead the charge in the General Assembly.
The pressure to ‘drift’ towards the middle will be great, and the temptations will be many, but only principled and steadfast candidates will be supported in this program.
Those of weak character and principle need not apply.
If you are interested in stepping up and leading this effort in the General Assembly, please email Wally Bunyea, Candidate Coordinator.